What Is A Woman?

Since time immemorial, the question of what a woman is has haunted humanity like a specter. How could you possibly even understand, let alone define such a thing? Recently, as trans theories have spread, there has been renewed interest in this question by essentialists that want to restrict womanhood (and all the stereotypes and expressions of women) in an immutable biological essence. (READ MORE)


puberty blockers & chemical castration – #shorts

Many people against the use of puberty blockers (scientifically named gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists) for trans adolescents, will often bring up the fact that some pedophiles use the same drug as what is called chemical castration.

But, this is a red herring that really wants to connect any trans or queer people to pedophilia, which is an age-old trope used to discriminate & criminalize queer & trans people.

Medicines often have multiple applications for a wide-range of unrelated problems.

Puberty blockers = gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists

Red herring fallacy – irrelevant information is presented alongside relevant information, distracting attention from that relevant information

Chemical castration – the use of chemicals or drugs to stop sex hormone production

Other applications for GnRH agonists:

  • In vitro fertilization
  • Treatment of certain kinds of prostate and breast cancer.
  • Children with precocious puberty.
  • Management of menorrhagia, endometriosis, adenomyosis, and uterine fibroids for people born female.
  • And severe cases of hyperandrogenism.




Was Jesus Transgender?


Was Jesus transgender? The very question keeps me up most nights in quiet contemplation. Yet, if pronouns are inherently biological as Mr. Shapiro and his ilk insist on, I can’t find any logical reason to answer in the negative. Jesus is clearly transgender.

If people like Shapiro are right, then pronouns naturally emanate from a person’s chromosomes as forgetfullness naturally emanate from Joe Biden & Diane Feinstein. Just as a pimple oozes puss, so to do genitalia ooze pronouns. But, Jesus is no ordinary pimple. If the Christians are right then, Jesus is no ordinary human puss-bucket of organs and moistness. Jesus is God become man! A puny mortal man at that!

(and yes, I understand Shapiro is a jew, not Christian but, JUDEO-CHRISTIAN VALUES GODDAMNIT!)

Did Jesus have XY karyotype? Did he have a male phenotype? [Whisper & echo] Did Jesus have a penis?

Well, he must have! Otherwise why would we be calling him he throughout the bible?

And yet, the good books seems to be hiding a darker truth than we ever imagined. The Tanakh, the New Testament of the Bible, and the Quran all refer to God as a He. But, not just any He, a capitalized He. Yet, God has no chromosomes. He has no puny mortal body, or a body of any kind (well, unless he’s Mormon) [show religulous clip]. But let’s just safely assume God isn’t Mormon

[whisper] He’s actually a scientologist! [flash a crazy pic of Tom Cruise, and end with Southpark Lord Xenu laugh]

This means that God’s pronouns must come from some other source. God is certainly a He; His gender is Male. But, not some puny mortal male. No, God’s gender is divine. He transcends karyotype, phenotype, animal, vegetable, and mineral damn it! This we can safely assume! But, and it’s a bigger butt than the one I sit on. If God became man through the god-man-boy Jesus, then God transitioned from having a divine gender, to a puny mortal gender. Thus, and I say this with no trepidation, only that which is self-evident shall flow from my mouth, Jesus was transgender.

He was also really gay by the way!


What Is Trans-Umbrellism? | Trans Theories

what is trans umbrellism? thumbnail

I’m officially coining the term Trans-Umbrellism. Trans-Umbrellism is a trans theory stating that one is trans if they don’t identify with their gender assigned at birth. Trans gender is an umbrella term that covers a wide-variety of gender-variant individuals including: transsexuals, i.e., people who medically transition from one sex to another; non-binary, genderqueer and other individuals with incongruent gender expressions, 3rd gender people from different cultures, crossdressers, drag performers, & MORE!!!!!!




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