Jail Mental Health Absent from County Action Plan

Stats from the McLean County Jail, accurate as of April 5th, 2022:

Jail population: 217

Proportions by gender:
are female: 32
are male: 185

Proportions by race:
Black: 115
Hispanic: 13
Persons of a Colonial Complexion: 87

Number of people over 50: 28
Number of inmates sentenced: 23
Number of inmates pretrial (felony): 172
Number of inmates pretrial (misdemeanors): 19
Number of inmates pretrial for drug offenses: 55
Number of out of county residences: 67

The total number of inmates who have tested positive for COVID-19: 151
The total number of jail staff who have tested positive for COVID-19: 49
The current number of inmates positive for COVID-19: 0
The current number of jail staff positive for COVID-19: 1

Total number of inmates vaccinated for COVID-19 by the jail: 137 total on either 3/24/21, 6/8/21, 9/20/21, 1/19/22 or 1/26/22.

The number of inmates with COVID-19 that have required respirators in the jail because of COVID-19 symptoms since August 2020.–0

The number of inmates with COVID-19 that have required hospitalization because of COVID-19 symptoms since August 2020.–1

Total number of jail staff vaccinated for COVID-19: No records are being kept
The number of current inmates that have been fully vaccinated whether in the jail or on their own: No records are being kept.

Since expanding the jail for better health outcomes was explicitly recommended in the 2015 Mental Health Action Guide, what are the results of this $43 million project and why is it almost entirely absent from this updated guide? Furthermore, where in any of these Action Guides does it recommend persistent solitary confinement, lack of mental health staff, and crushing up medication will lead to better mental health?




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