McLean County Incarcerated Stories


Stats from the McLean County Jail, accurate as of May 19th, 2022:

Jail population: 203

Proportions by gender:
are female: 24
are male: 179

Proportions by race:
Black: 103
Other Minorities: 10
Persons of a Colonial Complexion: 90

Number of people over 50: 18
Number of inmates sentenced: 20
Number of inmates pretrial (felony): 163
Number of inmates pretrial (misdemeanors): 14
Number of Inmates pretrial (other): 6
Number of inmates pretrial for drug offenses: 59
Number of out of county residences: 66

The total number of inmates who have tested positive for COVID-19: 175
The total number of jail staff who have tested positive for COVID-19: 52
The current number of inmates positive for COVID-19: 0
The current number of jail staff positive for COVID-19: 0

Total number of inmates vaccinated for COVID-19 by the jail: 144 total on either 3/24/21, 6/8/21, 9/20/21, 1/19/22, 1/26/22 or 4/19/22.

The number of inmates with COVID-19 that have required respirators in the jail because of COVID-19 symptoms since August 2020: 0

The number of inmates with COVID-19 that have required hospitalization because of COVID

Mental health care has long been an issue at the McLean County Jail. The County Board famously spent over $40 million to upgrade the jail, ostensibly under the guise of increasing mental health care outcomes. However, based on lawsuits filed against the Sheriff and the testimony of multiple people currently or formerly incarcerated, mental health does not seem to be a priority at the jail.



Beware the Vicious Sharon Chung


Several McLean County Republicans, like Sheriff Jon Sandage and District 10 County Board member Chuck Erickson, claim District 7 Board Member Sharon Chung repeatedly, viciously, and with extreme malice attacks the Sheriff every chance she gets. Agitation Rising investigates these claims only to discover the SHOCKING truth!

Video originally posted on District 8 Board Member Shayna Watchinski’s Facebook Page.


Jail Mental Health Absent from County Action Plan


Stats from the McLean County Jail, accurate as of April 5th, 2022:

Jail population: 217

Proportions by gender:
are female: 32
are male: 185

Proportions by race:
Black: 115
Hispanic: 13
Persons of a Colonial Complexion: 87

Number of people over 50: 28
Number of inmates sentenced: 23
Number of inmates pretrial (felony): 172
Number of inmates pretrial (misdemeanors): 19
Number of inmates pretrial for drug offenses: 55
Number of out of county residences: 67

The total number of inmates who have tested positive for COVID-19: 151
The total number of jail staff who have tested positive for COVID-19: 49
The current number of inmates positive for COVID-19: 0
The current number of jail staff positive for COVID-19: 1

Total number of inmates vaccinated for COVID-19 by the jail: 137 total on either 3/24/21, 6/8/21, 9/20/21, 1/19/22 or 1/26/22.

The number of inmates with COVID-19 that have required respirators in the jail because of COVID-19 symptoms since August 2020.–0

The number of inmates with COVID-19 that have required hospitalization because of COVID-19 symptoms since August 2020.–1

Total number of jail staff vaccinated for COVID-19: No records are being kept
The number of current inmates that have been fully vaccinated whether in the jail or on their own: No records are being kept.

Since expanding the jail for better health outcomes was explicitly recommended in the 2015 Mental Health Action Guide, what are the results of this $43 million project and why is it almost entirely absent from this updated guide? Furthermore, where in any of these Action Guides does it recommend persistent solitary confinement, lack of mental health staff, and crushing up medication will lead to better mental health?




COVID-19 virus over a picture of McLean County Jail

Back on January 11th, 2022, in an interview with Howard Packowitz of WEEK, Sheriff Jon Sandage said there were less than ten positive COVID-19 cases among inmates at the McLean County Jail.

Yet, records requests from the Sheriff’s office paint a very different picture. According to the latest data, the Jail Medical staff is reporting that as of the 12th–one day after the Sandage interview–79 inmates were positive with COVID-19. (To reiterate, this is information is provided by the Sheriff’s office per a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request). The Sheriff’s office has not responded to requests for clarification on this dramatic discrepancy.


McLean County Jail: COVID Confusion and Recent Stats

COVID-19 virus over a picture of McLean County Jail

Stats from the McLean County Jail, accurate as of January 5th, 2022:

Jail population: 211

Proportions by gender:
are female: 21
are male: 190

Proportions by race:
Black: 109
Hispanic: 8
Persons of a Colonial Complexion: 93

Number of people over 50: 24
Number of inmates sentenced: 38
Number of inmates pretrial (felony): 159
Number of inmates pretrial (misdemeanors): 9
Number of inmates pretrial for drug offenses: 58
Number of out of county residences: 82

Accurate as of January 5th, 2022:

The total number of inmates who have tested positive for COVID-19: 78
The total number of jail staff who have tested positive for COVID-19: 36
The current number of inmates positive for COVID-19: 65 (as of publication, the Sheriff claims cases are below ten)
The current number of jail staff positive for COVID-19: 2

Total number of inmates vaccinated for COVID-19 by the jail: 118. Last vaccination clinic by jail was 9/20/2021.

Total number of jail staff vaccinated for COVID-19: No records are being kept
The number of current inmates that have been fully vaccinated whether in the jail or on their own: No records are being kept

On December 16th, 2021, McLean County Sheriff Jon Sandage announced that a new outbreak of COVID-19 had struck the jail. 26 inmates and six staff members tested positive for COVID-19.




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