No, I’m Not Okay!

This video is about what happens when you’re all up in your feelz!

Content Warning: Depression, fear, anger, anxiety, self-harm, suicide.

These emotions or moods specifically alter our ways of interpreting the world around us. Moods attune humans to their worlds (which they are inherently a part of). Through being attuned, we are disposed to this or that way of encountering entities within-the-world. Dispositions are the state-in-which-one-is-found. Utilizing the philosophy of German Philosopher Martin Heidegger, I reflect on my own experiences—especially in the past year—of being attuned in very extreme and often destructive ways. This description of moods is existential, not categorical. Humans as both living beings, and reflective or beings-of-contemplation, are qualitatively different types of beings than inorganic entities, specifically a human’s unique temporality and interpretative possibilities. As such, human emotions must properly be viewed existentially, with these characteristics in mind.


Heidegger, Martin. Being and Time, HarperPerennial/Modern Thought, New York, 2008. Buy here!

Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm. On the Genealogy of Morality: A Polemic. Buy here!

Vandergriendt, Carly. “What’s the Difference between a Panic Attack and an Anxiety Attack?” Healthline, Healthline Media, 19 Oct. 2021.

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