Substance, quantity, relation, quality, time, place, position, having, doing, affection. If you don’t know about the categories of Being, what are you even talking about?!
If you don’t know about the categories of Being, what are you even talking about?!
Being ain’t no genus. Don’t even try it!

One of my favorite scenes from Game of Thrones is a conversation between Lord Petyr of House Baelish a.k.a. Littlefinger & Queen Cersei of House Lannister-Baratheon. Here we see a clash between two individuals of different classes. Cersei represents the monarchy the top of the social order during the medieval period, while Littlefinger represents the capitalist merchant. In medieval societies, merchants were far below the monarch in social rank, below the aristocracy, the knights, and only slightly higher than the peasantry. And, while Littlefinger is nominally a member of the aristocracy with his own sigil & banner, his house lacks the foundation of centuries of generations which give the great houses a sense of necessity—the idea they are essential to the functioning of society which in turn guarantees their power. Lord Baelish has gained the status & power he has not from his house, but from the sale of flesh and his ability to manage money. (view more)

R. Kelly & the Politics of Truth
Using Foucault’s regimes of truth to try to make sense of the rise & fall of R.Kelly.
As R. Kelly sits in a federal jail in Cook County awaiting trial on an almost endless flurry of sex crime charges, the 52-year-old singer must be wondering to himself in his orange jumpsuit where it all went wrong. Why, after 30 years of him remaining almost untouchable, do the\ people no longer believe him? For a time, he seemed to be a famous individual who had merely been accused of rape, sexual assault, and pedophilia–but, at least he was innocent until proven guilty. Now, his reputation seems to be as a famous rapist and pedophile who just so happens to be a popular artist. What happened? (view more)