Deductive vs. Inductive Logic

Logic is a field which studies truth and the basic rules which govern thought. This is done by positing an argument made up of a number of reasons or premises that supports a conclusion. What is the difference between deductive & inductive reasoning? What are some of their flaws?

Deductive Examples:

P1: All humans are puny mortals.
P2: Philip Jose Farmer is a human.
C: Therefore, Philip Jose Farmer is a puny mortal.

Inductive Examples:

P1. The last time I bought from this dealer, I believe they gave me below quality product.
P2. This dealer has a high level of shadyness, over level 9000!
P3. My friend claims this dealer robbed him.
C: Therefore, I will not purchase illegal substance from my neighborhood drug dealer.

P1-P100: This swan is white. (1, 2, 3, 4… 100)
C: Therefore, All swans are white.



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