Science vs Pseudoscience | Problems in Philosophy of Science

How do we determine whether a theory is scientific or not? What gives science the credibility and authority that it commands? In philosophy of science, this is called the demarcation problem: how do we demarcate between science & pseudoscience. Some philosophers believed if you could find confirmations of your theory, then it must be true. But, philosopher Karl Popper proposed a different method. Instead of trying to find more confirmations of our theories, we should be doing everything we can to FALSIFY OUR THEORIES, BIIIITCH!!!

Help out the channel by purchasing these books through the Amazon links below.

Popper, Karl Raimund. Conjectures and Refutations: The Growth of Scientific Knowledge. Routledge, 2002. Buy here.

Einstein, Albert. Relativity, the Special and the General Theory: A Popular Exposition by Albert Einstein. Translated by Robert W. Lawson, Crown Publishers, Inc., 1961. Buy here.

Hume, David. A Treatise of Human Nature, Barnes & Noble, New York, NY, 2005. Buy here.


victims of civilized math – short

While civilized math has led to the high standard of living us in the most ‘advanced’ of countries, the countries which consider themselves first & foremost in world affairs, we should be mindful of the many ways civilized mathematics was used for horrible ways, especially along racial and ethnic lines, and against the working class as a whole.

Images include:

Trail of Tears in the U.S.
The Mid-Atlantic Slave Trade
Slave auctions in the U.S.
Ledgers of transactions of enslaved people.
The Holocaust.
Jim Crow in the U.S.
Redlining in the U.S.
Mass incarceration in the U.S.

Cree Sunrise Song

Check out my video on
Philosophy of Math “Is Math Racist?


Is Math Racist?

Some people say math is racist. So I looked through the history of mathematics only to find the shocking truth about math. How is math related to the type of society that uses it? How many different types of math are even out there? Can math be racist?

Special thanks to Dr. Peter Steeves of Depaul University for teaching a class on this subject.



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