Notes On McLean County Jail Part 13

Stats from the McLean County Jail, accurate as of March 21st, 2023:

Jail population: 216

Proportions by gender:
are female: 35 (16%)
are male: 181 (84%)

Proportions by race:
Black: 110 (50%)
Other Minority: 13 (6%)
Persons of a Colonial Complexion: 96 (44%)

Number of people over 50: 25 (12%)
Number of people sentenced: 13 (6%)
Number of people pretrial (felony): 186 (86%)
Number of people pretrial (misdemeanors): 8 (4%)
Number of people pretrial for drug offenses: 67 (31%)
Number of out of county residences: 68 (31%)
Number of people prescribed mental health medication: 65 (30%)

Average Population Data between December 1st, 2022-March 21st, 2023

Average Population
Highest PopulationLowest Population
237 (2/12/2023 & 2/17/2023)173 (12/23/2022)
Average charged with drug offenseAverage Age over 50
56 (26%)27 (13%)
Total ArrivalsTotal Releases



Official Guidance on SAFE-T Act and Virtual Town Hall

HB 3653 Guidance

[FULL DISCLOSURE: The editor of Agitation Rising News is a founding member of CIRC.]


January 22, 2022

The Central Illinois Research Collective (CIRC) supports the new criminal justice reform law, HB 3653, signed into law by Governor J.B. Pritzker in 2021. Our organization strongly supports the principles of this law like police transparency, accountability, and alternatives to policing. 

Central Illinois solidarity-Research Collective Logo
Central Illinois Research Collective (CIRC) logo

We are releasing this guidance to assist local municipalities in properly interpreting & implementing HB 3653. We believe it is important for public officials to know that our membership supports this legislation. We encourage public officials to embrace these reforms & implement them to the best of their abilities. Furthermore, our organization is looking to hold public officials accountable when it comes to this responsibility.

Here is the digital link to the guidance:
HB 3653 Guidance.pdf

Our organization is co-hosting a Virtual Town Hall on Saturday, February 5th, 2022 at 1:00 PM with the AfroSocialists and Socialists of Color of Bloomington-Normal to explain the guidance in greater detail. This law has left much controversy and questions around how it will be implemented throughout Illinois.  This law is much more than just the Pretrial Fairness Act. This event hopes to bring clarity to the important nuances of the law. Our Town Hall will also address follow-up laws adjusting HB 3653. 


President Biden Forgets Immigrants in New Executive Order


President Joe Biden on Tuesday, January 26th, 2021 signed executive orders on ending the Justice Department’s use of private prisons as part of what the White House is calling his “racial equity agenda.” To be clear, the order specifically tells the DOJ not to renew contracts, so no one is being transferred or released yet.

268,000 people are incarcerated by the federal government, according to the Prison Policy Initiative. 32%, or 85,000, are being held in privately-run prisons. 55,000 federal inmates are held in privately-operated prisons for non-immigrant related offenses. They make up 20% of the total federal incarcerated population that will eventually be moved to public prisons or released.

Prison Policy Initiative
Prison Policy Initiative

However, as reported by Axios, “domestic policy czar Susan Rice confirmed at a press briefing that the order does not apply to private immigration facilities, which fall under the Department of Homeland Security.” 30,000 immigrants are detained in privately-operated prisons, or 35% of the total privately-operated federal inmate population. Of all immigrants being detained by the federal government, 71% are incarcerated in private prisons.

Susan Rice – Director of Domestic Policy Council

No word yet from President Biden on why he left out immigrants from this executive order.

Of the 2.3 million people incarcerated in the United States, less than 9% are held in privately-operated facilities. A majority of those incarcerated in private prisons are not in the Federal system, but state & local institutions.

Political Rants

Virtual Town Hall: Discussion on Ending Money Bail

Virtual Town Hall: Discussion on Ending Money Bail organized to educate the public on ending money bail, the Pretrial Fairness Act, and future steps.


Co-hosted by:
Wayman AME Church
Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington Normal
Bloomington-Normal Chapter of NAACP
Bloomington-Normal League of Women Voters
Coalition to End Money Bond
Black Lives Matter Bloomington-Normal
Bloomington-Normal Democratic Socialists of America
YWCA McLean County
Not In Our Town Bloomington-Normal

Those wishing to sign up for ‘Decarcerate BloNo’ can email We’ve also got our next meeting for local folks like us to build connections, learn more about the implementation of the PFA, and determine our next steps for supporting our community until cash bail ends in 2023.
Join us on Thursday, February 18, 6:30 – 7:30 pm. Register here.

If you’d like to stay updated on and get involved in our work, sign up.

For more on police reform see here. For more on the Pretrial Fairness Act, see here.

PreTrial Fairness Act


Read the full article on Money Bail & the Pretrial Fairness Act

Anyone interested in learning more about the Pretrial Fairness Act or how to join the fight to end money bail, should check out this Virtual Townhall scheduled for Saturday, January 16th, 2021. The virtual town hall will inform our community on the progress being made to end wealth based pretrial detention.

Join us in learning more about pretrial detention, the Pretrial Fairness Act, and what you can do to help end the unjust practice of money bond in Illinois.

REGISTER HERE:…/tJMrdO-orD8tEtZVjvyX2WqM0PcHSkofEwoz

Prior registration is required for this event. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Facebook event:


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