SAFE-T Act Town Hall: Q&A Part II

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Questions include:

  • Effective Dates of Safe-T Act
  • Concerns About Implementation
  • What Accountability is there for Officers who violate the new law?
  • New body-cam Laws
  • Is the SAFE-T Act leading to a rise in crime?
  • Officer Complaint Policy
  • What About Illinois Police Leaving the Profession?
  • Does the SAFE-T Act remove Habitual Offender Status?

Watch the Town Hall:

CIRC Official Guidance

Town Hall Powerpoint Presentation

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SAFE-T Act Town Hall


Co-Hosted by: CIRC & Afro-Soc BloNo

The Safe-T Act, HB 3653, omnibus criminal justice law signed into law in 2021.

The members of CIRC & Afro-SOC BloNo support this law, and so do the working people of our communities. We strongly encourage you to support the reforms made by the law and do everything in your power to implement the changes with equity. Furthermore, public officials should be mindful that the working people of Illinois support efforts toward increased police accountability, transparency, and reform. The public also desires alternative institutions to address public safety. We are certain that the guidance we are providing will help to establish expectations for these domains. This guidance carefully explains what the law says, what it doesn’t say, and best practices on how to implement this law at the local level here in Illinois.

CIRC Official Guidance

CIRC HB 3653 Action Guide

Town Hall Powerpoint Presentation

Get involved in activist research. Join our collective.

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Official Guidance on SAFE-T Act and Virtual Town Hall

HB 3653 Guidance

[FULL DISCLOSURE: The editor of Agitation Rising News is a founding member of CIRC.]


January 22, 2022

The Central Illinois Research Collective (CIRC) supports the new criminal justice reform law, HB 3653, signed into law by Governor J.B. Pritzker in 2021. Our organization strongly supports the principles of this law like police transparency, accountability, and alternatives to policing. 

Central Illinois solidarity-Research Collective Logo
Central Illinois Research Collective (CIRC) logo

We are releasing this guidance to assist local municipalities in properly interpreting & implementing HB 3653. We believe it is important for public officials to know that our membership supports this legislation. We encourage public officials to embrace these reforms & implement them to the best of their abilities. Furthermore, our organization is looking to hold public officials accountable when it comes to this responsibility.

Here is the digital link to the guidance:
HB 3653 Guidance.pdf

Our organization is co-hosting a Virtual Town Hall on Saturday, February 5th, 2022 at 1:00 PM with the AfroSocialists and Socialists of Color of Bloomington-Normal to explain the guidance in greater detail. This law has left much controversy and questions around how it will be implemented throughout Illinois.  This law is much more than just the Pretrial Fairness Act. This event hopes to bring clarity to the important nuances of the law. Our Town Hall will also address follow-up laws adjusting HB 3653. 


What’s LEFT in BloNo 2022?

What's LEFT in BloNo 2022

With the demise of the Bloomington-Normal chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA BloNo), many on the Left are wondering what Leftists organizations exist and how to join them. You can read this article on the chapter’s dissolution, now updated with a new conclusion.

As DSA BloNo hemorrhaged active membership, the trend was for autonomous groups to form in its absence.

Afro-Socialists & Socialists of Color Caucus continues to exist. They are a space for people of color to organize autonomously. They continue to focus on base building by performing events and outreach to the community: swim lessons, COVID-19 vaccine clinics, fine art events, etc. Their email address is

BN Tenant Union Logo

The Bloomington-Normal Tenant’s Union is an organization created to provide resources to tenant’s and defend tenant’s rights, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. They are a vehicle for renting class solidarity and empowerment in the BloNo IL area.

The best way to contact the BN Tenant’s Union is by clicking on their Link Tree: MORE BN TENANT UNION INFO!

BloNo is home to its very own chapter of the Communist Party USA. During the flooding that occurred last summer, Summer 2021, their members volunteered helping many people whose basements had flooded get the problem fixed (the BN Tenant’s Union was also involved in this effort). Furthermore, the CP continues outreach to the community by holding monthly family picnics during warmer weather.

The best way to get involved with the CP is the following:
Phone: 309-822-5680
Folks can sign up at

Socialist Feminists Bloomington-Normal logo

The BloNo Socialist Feminists group aims to educate the Bloomington-Normal community on issues that affect marginalized genders and building solidarity through awareness, advocacy, and empowerment. Their past work includes outreach to the community through public events, addressing food insecurity, and public education.

The BloNo Socialist Feminists is a group that grew out of DSA BloNo’s Socialists-Feminist Working Group. Like Afro-Soc, they are completely autonomous from DSA.

Currently, their Facebook page is the best way to contact them.

Central Illinois solidarity-Research Collective Logo

The Central Illinois solidarity-Research Collective (CIRC) is dedicated to helping organizations & individuals request information from public bodies. CIRC is intended to be a resource for all Leftists across Central Illinois and is not limited just to the Bloomington-Normal area. This research is important to guarantee transparent & accountable government. Every person has a right to access most government records. CIRC specializes in requesting police records and helping individuals file complaints again local law enforcement. CIRC is also involved in lobbying legislation and educating the people on changes to various laws and statutes. CIRC is an all-volunteer organization.

CIRC grew out of DSA Blono’s Solidarity Research Working Group. Like Afro-Soc and BloNo Socialist Feminists, CIRC is completely autonomous from DSA.

Those looking to get involved in CIRC should fill out this contact form and someone will be in touch with them. No previous experience doing research is required. Individuals can also email the organization at GET INVOLVED IN CIRC!

If you’d like your organization added to this list, please send an email to with your org’s name, contact info, a short description of the group, and any active projects the org is engaged in.


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