
War of Every Man Against Every Man | Legendary Hobbes Quote

For English philosopher Thomas Hobbes, prior to societies, humanity existed in a state of nature. In such a state, value judgments are meaningless. Hobbes states that such values as Justice, Injustice, Right, & Wrong only exist within society. These values are human creations made not in solitude but only in relation with other humans. Furthermore, the enforcement of these values as valuable can only occur through force and the fear of death.

“To this warre of every man against every man, this also is consequent; that nothing can be Unjust. The notions of Right & Wrong, Justice and Injustice have there no place. Where there is no common power, there is no law, where no law, no injustice. Force, and fraud, are in war the two cardinal virtues. Justice, and Injustice are none of the Faculties neither of the Body, nor Mind. If they were, they might be in man alone in the world, as well as his Senses, and Passions. They are Qualities, that relate to men in Society, not in Solitude. It is consequent also to the same condition, that there be no Propriety, no Dominion, no Mine & Thine distinct; but onely that to be every mans that he can get; and for so long, as he can keep it. And this much for the ill condition, which man by meer Nature is actually placed in; though with a possibility to come out of it, consisting partly in the Passions, partly in His Reason. The Passions that encline men to Peace, are Feare of Death; Desire of such things as are necessary to commodious living; and a Hope by their Industry to obtain them. And Reason suggesteth convenient Articles of Peace, upon which men may be drawn to agreement. These Articles, are they, which otherwise are called the Lawes of Nature.

Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan (188)


Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan. Buy here!

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Zachary J Gittrich

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