Journalist Matt Taibbi’s 2019 book Hate Inc.: Why Today’s Media Makes us Despise One Another.
Taibbi brilliantly analyzes how trends in news media have changed in the last forty years.
Hate Inc. is a spiritual successor to the book Manufacturing Consent by Noam Chomsky & Edward Herman, but Hate Inc.’s alt-title would be Manufacturing Discontent because that is the business model for media in the age of neoliberalism. Do yourself a favor, and buy Hate Inc.
Citations: Taibbi, Matt. Hate Inc.: Why Today’s Media Makes Us Despise One Another: With a New Post-Election Preface.
Peoria County voters overwhelmingly re-elected Peoria County Auditor Jessica Thomas last November. But the Peoria County Board last week took the unprecedented step to pull funding for Auditor Thomas’ entire staff.
“Since their referendum to eliminate the office failed and they cannot remove an elected official from office, they’ve chosen instead to defund my office so it cannot reasonably function. On behalf of my office, I would like to assure Peoria County residents that I will continue to work to do the job they elected me to do, even if it requires that I file a lawsuit against the County to force it to follow the law.” – Peoria County Auditor Jessica Thomas
How do you convince Peorians in Districts 4 & 5 to care about poor people in Districts 1, 2, & 3?
This question may be as old as neo-liberalism in Peoria, and Marc Supreme of 90.7 FM during his Mayoral Mini-Series: A Candid Conversation with the Candidatesdesperately asked this question over & over of Mayoral candidate Chama St. Louis. I say desperate, because the answer seems so far-fetched as to be fatalistically impossible to answer in any concrete way. We can only respond in the typical abstract homilies about “education” & “community” we’ve heard from Mayor Jim Ardis and At-Large District Councilperson Rita Ali.
But, this question isn’t some antimony or impasse in logic itself.
Let’s try, for a moment, to get out of the neo-liberal austerity that haunts Peoria like a specter.
District 1-3 have largely been disinvested over the last several decades.1 Minorities already have a significantly lower median wealth than people of a colonial complexion, so they’re already paying less in taxes. People who are impoverished and have been robbed of educational opportunity2 are more likely to engage in alternative economies (i.e., non-taxable economies),3 which again, means less tax revenue. All of this leads to higher taxes for District 4 & 5 (especially to pay for bloated PPD budgets which enact Broken Window policing in District 1-3). As taxes in District 4 & 5 get yuuuuuuuuger, there’s more population decline which creates a declining tax revenue and a positive feedback loop of ever-increasing taxes.
Now, instead of spending tax revenue on bloated police budgets,4 say you put that money towards making sure poor folks in District 1-3 have their basic needs met5 so poor folks don’t have to engage in alternative economies to survive (cause people gotta eat); and, say we find a way to raise property values in these districts without displacing residents on fixed incomes; those yuuuuuuuge taxes on District 4 & 5 start to go from being hefty, hefty, hefty to wimpy, wimpy, wimpy.
There’s only one way to find out and the current way Peoria has been doing for four decades hasn’t been going so well, has it? Just cause you live in District 5, and you got your kids going to Dunlap schools, don’t mean crime on the Southside, the Taft, and the East Bluff doesn’t effect you. There’s just more degrees of separation between your privilege & their poverty,6 but you can’t have a privileged person without an impoverished person.
Stefanie Smith is a political novice running for the 13th District of U.S. Congress against Democratic establishment favored Betsy Dirksen Londrigan. Londrigan won the 2018 Democratic nomination, but lost the general election by a razor thin margin of 1.4%. Londrigan and Smith will face off against each other in the primary election on March 17th. The winner will go on to face incumbent Republican Rodney Davis.
I sat down with Stefanie in Decatur at a local pub where she was holding a campaign event with the public.
Zachary Gittrich: You’re running against Betsy Dirksen Londrigan? What are the reasons you think you’d be a better representative of the 13th district than Betsy Dirksen Londrigan? What are the specific differences you have with her?
Stefanie Smith: I am more representative of the district – as a person. Because of my financial situation: having medical debt, having student loan debt, understanding poverty. Those are issues that are widespread in our district that Betsy doesn’t really have to add or any knowledge of that. Betsy said at the forum when asked how she would deal with poverty, she said, “I support the Middle Class.” So, she’s willing to leave behind the majority of the district in my opinion.
I am also a champion of human rights and civil rights. I’m against war. Betsy is pro-ICE, and I’m against ICE. I’m for single-payer healthcare and Betsy is not. I’m for the Green New Deal, because I really like having a world to live on; Betsy does not. Those are some specific differences.
ZG: Do you have any pets?
SS: I do; I have a Cat, and I have a Rabbit.
ZG: You participated in one forum with Londrigan. You seemed particularly reticent at that event. Can you explain why?
SS: Absolutely. So, we were denied a debate. Betsy would not agree to a debate. The public forum was the only public event with the two of us she was willing to do. The conditions for the forum were I wasn’t allowed to reference or criticize any of her policies. So, they basically silenced me from criticism. I decided because it was the only type of forum and there were a lot of questions, I was going to give very terse very direct answers so we could cycle through as many as possible and get Betsy on the record on these issues. So, that’s why it looked the way it did, out of respect to the questioners.
ZG: Do you want more debates with your opponent?
SS: She’s still refusing as far as I know. We’re not going to get a debate; I’d do a debate and have said so since the beginning. I think debates contribute to a healthy democracy to have these ideas discussed, criticized and expounded on. That is a democratic tactic Betsy is abandoning. And, I find that really disappointing.
ZG: Do you think you could defeat Rodney Davis in a debate and the election?
SS: Oh, yeah I do. I think that people really respond to authenticity, even if you don’t necessarily agree with everything you say, they at least appreciate that you’re not bullshitting them. Rodney has really misled the voters in an enormous sort of way and has not provided any resources for the district; our district has fallen further into poverty. I think that his incompetence alone – its a challenge cause he’s heavily supported by Trump, so he’ll get a lot of support from Trump country. I think it will be a grueling nasty campaign, but I don’t think Rodney has the integrity to keep up.
ZG: You’ve noted in the past friction between you and the local democratic parties. Can you elaborate the details?
SS: We have a lot of people trying to get involved to disrupt, suppress, and get rid of me from the start. They’ve made it a point to show that meetings were very hostile to us. They’re very dishonest. Like, I would go to a meeting and talk, then they’d say I refused to talk to them. That was the Macon County Democrats.
Emily Rodriguiz of Champaign County Democrats has been around our campaign trying to disorganize the campaign. Just really needling things trying to undercut the work we’ve done in the community. They’ve tried to block us from using LGBTQ venues.
Laurie Bell of Mclean County has been spreading lies and disinformation about a protest that wasn’t a campaign action. Just a lot of backstabbing and childish behavior all around. We’re here to work. We said we were going to be transparent about what we want to do.
ZG: You’ve said that we as citizens need to organize a coup against the current administration. Can you elaborate what you mean by that?
SS: No, I’m not saying we need a coup against the administration. I’m saying the administration has already successfully pulled off a coup. We need a network community response. It is very clear that the Federal government has fallen: its fractured. Legislation isn’t getting through. People vote on legislation in the house, they sits in the Senate, or the president doesn’t sign them. So we aren’t going to get our needs met through those avenues. We’re going to have to create the networks to survive. We have to start making mutual aid avenues. How do we get resources to people who are isolated at the margins. No one is coming to save us. We have to organize. That’s what I mean.
ZG: You have stated you support Medicare 4 All single-payer and that anything less is eugenics. If enacted, how would the transition from private to public healthcare work for the 160 million people who currently have private insurers?
SS: Hopefully swiftly because I would actually like to be able to afford my doctors. I have insurance through my husbands employer. If that insurance ended today, and Medicare 4 All was immediately implemented, I’d finally be able to go to the doctor and I think that’s true for a lot of people.
It’s something that has to be implemented quickly. I don’t have tears for the insurance industry. They’ve exploited us for so long. I’m not worried about their profits or opinions on it, I’m worried about getting people healthcare.
I would like to see it as an immediate option for the completely uninsured as its passed. From there I feel like having a window for people to be able to transfer over to government insurance. I see that as an important step. I’d like to see all that completed within a year. But, we should definitely immediately get healthcare to those without.
ZG: What kind of assistance would be available to private insurance company employees who may lose their job?
SS: I do think by switching there will still be a need behind the scenes to make this happen. So, I see merit for including those people in the process. For those jobs that are going to be created by Medicare 4 All, to go firstly to those who were in the for-profit system.
If we get to the point where we’re able to pass Medicare 4 All, we’ll likely be able to pass other bills that are for workers rights and unionization. My hope is that it’ll be less of a blow because other jobs are going to provide living wages. When we’re talking about the Green New Deal, housing, infrastructure. We really need people to get into the trades and health care. We have shortages of nurses and teachers. There are lots of jobs that are very important that people aren’t doing cause they don’t pay enough. We don’t need a ton of administrators working on medical bills for insurance. We need teachers, we need nurses, and they need to be able to live. We make those jobs a living wage; we support training to be a CNA and other union jobs like electricians and plumbers. We’re always going to need those people. So, I feel like there are a lot of ways to offset that issue.
ZG: How would you rate the Democrats efforts to impeach the president? Do you think there were other issues they should have focused on when it came to impeachment?
SS: Yeah. The Democrats are like its a technicality: Trump went after Joe Biden’s son and now were really mad about it. They didn’t go after Trump for any of his crimes against humanity or war crimes. They went after him cause he went after one of their own. So it looked petty cause it was petty, especially in the context of crimes against humanity! It looks terrible; it looks weak; it’s ineffective governing. All it does is disorganize and upset people. It alienates even more people. The Democratic party doesn’t look like the moral champion in this: they just look like petulant children. I honestly think it was misguided. I’ve been asked a lot if I support impeaching the president. And I said if I was in the House and the vote came up I would vote yes to impeach him. But, I don’t think people understood how impeachment works. People were like, “Oh yea, he’s impeached.” But then there’s the senate and all these procedures. I feel like the Democrats exploited the fact that we have low civic education to make a spectacle of the impeachment to try and get votes.
ZG: Government is regularly viewed as criminally inefficient. Conservatives automatically say everything government is bad; and Liberals argue its better than the private sector and it’s the duty of the government to do these things, but even they seem to acquiesce to the seemingly natural fact that government is inefficient. How would you address inefficiency in government services?
SS: We have wild redundancies. Terrible service, terrible filing. But, when it comes to money the fact that the Pentagon pays thousands of dollars for a fucking screw: that’s ridiculous. And, those are my tax dollars. So, I don’t disagree that the government is inefficient and ineffective. But if they’re taking my money anyway I don’t want it to go to a $1500 bolt. I want that money going into services that are going to hurt people. I want that money going into SNAP and into disability. If you take money from the people then that money should be used to support the people not murder other people.
ZG: So, basically allocating funds more towards social services so they aren’t as inefficient?
SS: Exactly, you have to invest in these things if you want them to work. They’re not investing in them, but purposely sabotaging it by under funding them and under staffing them. That’s why its inefficient; that’s why the government sucks.
ZG: You have stated you support the Green New Deal. Do you support a complete ban on all new oil drilling and fracking?
SS: Yes
ZG: How do we continue to manufacture all the things that require oil, especially plastic?
SS: There are… a lot of things we don’t need, right? I’m open to talking about these things but there are a lot of things we would need to prioritize production on, e.g., medical equipment. We’re supposed to be finding alternatives. We have brilliant scientists; there are people working on the stuff. I feel like we should be focusing on the worst offenders first. We should stop fracking immediately because earthquakes and brown water is really terrifying. I definitely understand that some things are higher priority than others. But, we have to move away from that source very soon if we are to survive. Like, if it’s between survival and making more action figures, I’m going to go with survival. I know it sucks, but we don’t live in a way that is sustainable to the planet and our population. We have to figure out other ways. We either figure it out or we die.
ZG: Do you support court-packing to readjust the politics of the Federal judiciary?
SS: I’m really freaked out with the federal judiciary and the way the judges have been stacked. Honestly, I try to be open when I don’t have solutions; I don’t know the best way to address that issue right now. I’m interested in that path and learning more about it. But I don’t have a good handle on how that works. My work has been predominately in human trafficking policy. This is a very new area for me. I’m a working-class person. I don’t know a lot of judges. I need to meet more people who have a robust experience and get a better view of the short term and long term goals of restructuring the judiciary would be. I’m just not qualified to strategize on that right now.
ZG: Are there any current federal judges you would support impeaching and removing?
SS: Brett Kavanaugh is springing to mind for obvious reasons. As somebody that believes in survivor-centered politics, his rise in the judiciary is rather suspect. I would also like to reexamine anyone who didn’t get a bar association recommendation.
ZG: Do you support a constitutional amendment creating term limits for Federal judges? If so, what should be the limit?
SS: Again, I feel like I don’t quite have a grasp on the repercussions of that sort of decision. Given the way we have seen the Trump administration manipulate the judiciary, I see a massive benefit to that. I’m not clear what the criticism of that would be. I don’t see why a term limit would be bad, even for myself.
ZG: Do you support granting statehood to Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Washington D.C., Guam, Mariana Islands, and America Somoa?
SS: Yes.
ZG: Do you support a constitutional Amendment creating term limits for members of congress? If so, how long?
SS: Yes. But I don’t think that’s a question for me but for the voters. I think things get stale if you have the same voices in politics all the time. I don’t think anyone should be able to make a career out of being a government representative. The idea of a career politician is horrifying to me because it says to me this is someone who seeks power, who wants to rule not govern. I’m very supportive of term limits but again its important to figure out what the voters want cause they may want a representative multiple times in a row and they should have that chance. Obviously when were talking about the DCCC blacklisting progressive challenges, that’s not healthy democracy. I think there are a lot of areas we could improve and I think it should be driven by the will of the people.
ZG: Housing is increasingly unaffordable, and most people on waiting lists for public housing wait years. What policies would you propose to address this issue?
SS: I endorsed the homes guarantee from Peoples action that covers affordable housing, public housing, it addresses environmental racism infrastructure disaster response reparation. There’s a Green New Deal public housing policy as well that looks very promising. I think we’d have a few policies that would address that issue. But, also the way that crisis intersect with other issues. For example, the homes guarantee updates appliances for energy savings to help with utilities which is a huge housing cost. I really prefer looking at policies that view issues as holistic that work to address everything. I also support lifting bans on rent control. We want rent control. We’ve been canvassing for Lift the Ban.
ZG: Do you support a maximum wage?
SS: I would support something like that, absolutely.
ZG: What type of taxes do you expect to support?
SS: That is a really interesting question because I don’t see any benefit in taxing lower income people. I see a great deal of benefit in taxing companies, billionaires; for me taxes need to be heavily applied to the rich, and the people who are suffering the most need tax relief. So, any sort of tax that I would support would be directed towards the wealthy; it’s time they give back to our society.
ZG: We have been in a state of perpetual warfare since our childhood. We are currently in military conflicts with 7 different nations. Do you support these wars? Would you end any of the wars?
SS: I am staunchly anti-imperialist and anti-war. I don’t believe in violating the human rights of others.
ZG: How do we deal with the Geo-political consequences of this?
SS: I mean, honestly, these sort of things need to be taken on a case-by-case basis. Because the ways that our bases are used in support are different around the world. I don’t think a blanket solution would be appropriate right now.
There are countries that we have been meddling that have wanted us out for a very long time. We should respect those wishes and remove ourselves immediately. In other nations where we have a good strategic working relationship that has proved fruitful and not mortally dangerous for people – that’s a different circumstance.
The way that Trump handled the Kurds was very upsetting. That was an alliance that was really important for their safety. That was an inappropriate removal [of military force]. A lot of these issues have to be taken on a case-by-case basis. It should be the people who live there, their will should affect our policy when we are talking about staying or leaving.
ZG: What do you see as the military’s responsibility on the world-stage?
SS: At this point, our military needs to stop doing war actions. Those costs a ton of money and are an environmental blight. The military should at this point be redirected towards focusing on national crisis such as disaster relief. We have wildfires – we are using prison labor to fight wildfires in California and these people can’t even become firefighters after they are released [from prison]. I think it would be a better use of the military to have them support resiliency of our communities in the face of natural disasters. On the global stage, I think that is where we should be talking about [using the military]: towards support, not war.
ZG: There are some very serious issues happening regarding immigration, especially with regard to ICE & CPB. You have called for abolishing ICE. How would you regulate immigration?
SS: We need to have a robust system that allows for people to get citizenship. One of the things that is really important to me is this notion of immigrants having a right to a civil attorney so we don’t have toddlers representing themselves in immigration court. That is inappropriate. For me, a fundamental component is making sure these people have representation. Having materials for them in their language, which sometimes is not just Spanish but includes indigenous languages. We need to have those components in place so people are able to navigate the system successfully. We need more advocates for people seeking asylum, refugee status, immigrating for work. We need to stop banning people from entering our company on the basis of… Trump has changed so many laws on visas regulation, that it’s really complicated and a lot to figure out, but another component is undoing the things Trump has done.
I think a lot of people don’t realize that ICE and Border Patrol are fairly new; they came about post-9/11. They were built to be authoritarian surveillance nightmares. The way they question citizens and journalists. So many backwards things are happening: ties to corruption and human trafficking. It’s such a corrupt system that I don’t think it can be overhauled. I don’t think you can fix ICE.
ZG: What about situations like what recently happened in Illinois where an undocumented person with a violent criminal record was released from prison? Do you think undocumented people with violent criminal records should be deported?
SS: Again, its not an area to make a blanket statement cause we know how corrupt our criminal justice system is. When we say violent crimes, what do we mean? Whether we’re deporting them or imprisoning people, neither of those solve the problem in my mind. We have restorative justice practices we can use in these scenarios. I think just cause someone is undocumented that they don’t have less of a right to humane systems of justice.
ZG: Do you think serious crimes have been committed regarding immigration and the border by these institutions and this administration?
SS: Crimes against humanity, definitely.
ZG: What kind of border policy do you envision?
SS: A border is kind of a fake idea.
ZG: So, is money, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t real.
SS: Agreed. But the border as a concept doesn’t mean what you think. I do not believe that a wall is a solution at all. Its going to be an environmental blight and waste of money and its not going to be particularly effective. This notion that a border zone should be expected to be a war zone or combat zone, that’s not how the border has worked when I’ve gone into Canada. So whats the difference? How can people move freely in Europe? The way Americans think about borders is really toxic. They view them as impenetrable force fields that we’re supposed to defend. I don’t think that’s how you should go about it. I think you should reasonably be able to cross borders safely and quickly. When I’ve gone through Canada its a fairly easy process.
ZG: I will point out there are a lot more cartels in Mexico than Canada. Maybe that’s why there is some distinction between the two borders.
SS: Right. And, the cartels are moving their products through the border not like people think they are. They’re moving them across check points and in underground tunnels.
ZG: But, it’s still moving product from one country into another.
SS: Yes. But even in terms of the border security we have now is not adequate to deal with the problem. It’s not addressing the actual criminal activity that is occurring.
ZG: But you do think some kind of border security is required to deal with underground tunnels bringing in drugs?
SS: Yes. Absolutely. But I think a wall and these overly militarized check points haven’t actually fixed the problems at all. So we need to find new solutions. I don’t think these things are helpful to international relations. Right now, if you shoot across the Mexican border and murder someone, you’re not responsible cause you’re on American soil. That’s not good for anyone. If we’re talking about widespread cartels & human trafficking those are things that require lots of investigation, resources, and time. But your average border patrol agent isn’t checking a car and saying, “Oh, I found a cartel member.” That’s not happening. I don’t see cartels or human trafficking as even related to the border. Cause when we’re talking about human trafficking were talking about migrant laborers. Companies exploit that they get these people here, get them to work, and when the migrants complain about their working conditions, the corporations get them deported. That’s human trafficking and corporations are doing it and our government is not going after those corporations. That has nothing to do with a border wall or militarized borders. That is capitalist exploitation. So I think if we’re going to talk about human trafficking and drug trade, we need to actually look into those problems instead of acting like it is connected to this disparate thing.
ZG: The country is obviously in a perpetual state of gridlock, political crisis, and general decline. Do you think parts of the constitution need to be changed in order to guarantee more political stability? If so, what constitutional amendments you propose?
SS: I think that nobody really knows what is going to happen. Nobody knows if Donald Trump wins what’s going to happen, if he loses is he going to give up power. These people obviously don’t respect the constitution cause they’ve been violating our constitutional rights. I don’t think amending a document they don’t respect is going to give us any more rights or powers than we do. The Trump administration and all of his buddies don’t care about morals or the constitution. It’s really bleak, but the federal government has fallen. That is a reality. We’re in uncharted territory. How do you recover democracy after fascism? Can you just go in and make a few tweaks?
ZG: What are ways you would address issues of voter suppression?
SS: We need more polling stations. I believe it should be a national holiday. I believe you should be able to leave work and leave school. We should make it easier to vote by mail especially for people with disabilities. I think abolishing the electoral college and moving towards rank-choiced voting to help chip away of this binary party fold so people don’t think if their candidate loses they’ve wasted their votes. There’s people who have already voted and then their candidate dropped out. That’s not fair.
ZG: You’ve stated you support abolishing prisons. Can you further articulate just exactly what that means?
SS: We have a prison industrial complex. The school to prison pipeline. This is just institutionalized slavery for the most part. That’s what it is. We have so many people incarcerated for nonviolent crimes. I would like to move towards restorative justice. There are prison models based in places like Norway that are built around rehabilitation that aren’t abound in imprisoning and dehumanizing them. Its about engaging them and bolstering them to become whole people. Our system is the opposite. We just strip the humanity from people through abuse. That’s just state-sanctioned violence.
ZG: How do you go about articulating prison abolition to the average person who can’t conceive of such a thing?
SS: I think it comes down to showing that there are alternatives that have been really really successful throughout the course of human history. Most people think this is the only option. And that’s just not true, I think its about bringing in a diversity of ideas to the floor. We need to be using the same strategies as Medicare 4 All and referencing its success in other countries.
ZG: Do you think there is any class of crime that necessitates incapacitation in prison? Like, if you’re a serial killer lets just lock you up forever.
SS: I think even if we’re talking about serial killers that doesn’t mean that we should have institutionalized torture chambers for them. That’s not humane. Do I believe that you could have someone who needed life-long incarceration because they didn’t respond to rehabilitative methods, yes that could absolutely happen. But those people could still stay in an environment that is not abusive or dehumanizing. That’s not a requirement for prison. I think that’s the thing most people don’t understand? You don’t have to beat, rape, and abuse people and cage them and starve them and put them in solitary: that is all optional. That’s a choice and a poor one at that.
ZG: What are specific policies you have to address mass incarceration?
SS: I think just decriminalizing drugs and sex work would get a lot of people out of prison and keep them out. We need to direct these people to resources that are actually supportive and actually cause people to be rehabilitative instead of being sucked up in a cycle of fines, fees, incarceration, and poverty.
ZG: Is there anything else you’d like to add?
SS: We’ve covered a lot. The most important thing to me is to remind everyone that nobody is coming to save us. That hoping & praying for federal legislation that wouldn’t even be able to be enacted immediately doesn’t solve the problem that we actually need organizing and networking now. We mutual aid; we need harm reduction; we need crisis intervention. And we can’t rely on government to fund these things because we have to create these networks ourselves if were going to survive. I hate this idea of politicians making all these promises, like “if you elect me ill get you all of this stuff.” That’s not how it works, especially now. Not for the House of Representatives cause we can’t get things through the Senate. So I cant make any promises in that regard, except that ill fight like hell for you.
Honestly, its local politics. People need to get involved in city council and county boards. City politics controls law enforcement. County boards are stuff related to affordable housing, public health, disaster response. We need more people in working in those areas to bolster our safety services.
Stefanie Smith will be running against opponent Betsy Dirksen Londrigan in the Tuesday, March 17th, 2020 Democratic primary.
Spanky Edwards is currently running for the U.S. Congress for the 17th district of Illinois. He is running against incumbent Cheri Bustos in the democratic primary. Bustos has represented the district since she first won election in 2012. She is also the head of the DCCC which is supposed to work to reelect incumbent democrats.
Edwards was kicked off the ballot when a number of his signatures were rejected because the people who signed it did not live at the address they were registered. He is currently a write-in candidate in the Democratic Primary on March 17th against Bustos. Bustos has refused to debate Mr. Edwards.
WMBD Interview
Zachary Gittrich: How many valid signatures does it require to get on the ballot and how many signatures did you file?
Spanky Edwards: The requirement is 833 signatures. I filed 996. But the issue as far as the electoral policy in Illinois is ass backwards. The qualifications switch by district, and it gives the 2 party system a huge advantage over 3rd party and independent. To get on the ballot if you’re a democrat is 833 signatures. For a republican is 5-600 signatures. For an independent its over 11,000 for the same position in the same district. That creates this gridlock in congress cause districts are red or blue. We have 700,000 people a district, if you have 1000 signatures you should be on the ballot, it shouldn’t matter what party you’re from. We talk about Russia cheating in an election when we disenfranchise ourselves.
ZG: You’re running against an incumbent Democrat. What are the reasons you think you’d be a better representative of the 17th district than Cheri Bustos? What are the specific differences you have with her representation?
SE: 1. She is afraid of Medicare 4 All. Healthcare is an essential service and a human right. So Medicare 4 All right now would save 70,000 lives a year, and it will provide a higher quality of life where people don’t have to take out loans, file bankrupt, or sell their houses to pay for medical bills. We have one of the most expensive healthcare systems in the world. Too much of our money is spent on insurance, not healthcare.
2. Bustos has no plan or ideas for poor. She talks about Farmers when 12 farmers have lost their farms since she’s been in office. She champions veterans; we have a high homeless veteran rate in 17th district. She talks about her support for middle class, to be middle class in America is to make $150,000 a year; to have a high quality of life to afford cost of living. So when Bustos talks about the middle class: teachers, police officers, firefighters, nurses, public defenders don’t make that much. My proposal is we create a middle class salary for public service. They should be making $150,000 because they provide an essential service that we can’t live without; they maintain order: it would be complete chaos without them. The federal government, and hospitals, democratic enterprise, free enterprise, taxes on luxury items can go to coffers to raise money for those type of programs.
ZG: Do you have any pets?
SE: No
ZG: You have stated you support M4A. Is that single-payer?
SE: Single-payer. No cost at Point of Sale. No middleman between you and your provider. People like their health care provider not their insurer. Doing this would create a cultural shift.
ZG: If enacted, how would the transition from private to public healthcare work for the 160 million people who currently have private insurers?
SE: Bernie’s plan, which I support calls for 5-10 year transition from private to single-payer.
ZG: What kind of assistance would be available to private insurance company employees who may lose their job?
SE: I worked in insurance. So I know these are transferable skills. There are other types of insurance that they could transfer to: car, life, etc. We are going to reinstate the Freedman’s bureau. Hire MBAs, county agents, and retired veterans, in order to build homes.
ZG: Cheri Bustos voted in favor of both articles of impeachment against the President. Would you have agreed with those votes?
SE: Yes.
ZG: How would you rate the democrats efforts to impeach the president? Do you think there were other issues they should have focused on when it came to impeachment?
SE: So, Cheri voted at least twice to delay impeachment. The only reason she voted for those articles was because it was politically expedient. Trump should have been impeached cause he never cut ties with any of his private businesses which he benefits. And that wasn’t even one of the articles. So I think the Democrats did a piss-poor job at going after him; They only brought up two out of the–I would have thrown ten charges at his ass. The Russia investigation wasn’t even brought up in impeachment. So with regards to Russia, either the Democrats used it as political propaganda and Russia did not interfere; or they didn’t care enough to add it to the articles of impeachment. Either they’re bullshitting us with propoganda and it didnt happen-
ZG: … which I wouldn’t be surprised.
SE: Yea it wouldn’t! And, we’re used to the kind of political propaganda: the Willie Horton type propaganda, they’ll say anything to get elected.
ZG: It also obfuscates the fact that billionaires regularly influence our elections, Israel regularly influences our elections.
SE: Absolutely. Absolutely… Israel in particular, we have been prevented from even critiquing Israel in any form or way. That’s problematic when it comes to holding another foreign government accountable when I can’t tell the truth about them. What we have to understand is that Jewish life and Palestine life are equal. So, if I can critique Palestine, I can critique Israel, I can critique Russia and Germany and America as well. We all can be critiqued, no one is above that and it produces a terrible and unfair dynamic when it becomes illegal or there are severe consequences for just giving an honest political critique.
To your original question, Cheri Bustos did not want to go for impeachment, because she feels she lives in a Trump District and she’ll get voted out by Trump people. Lane Evans had this seat for 24 years; 12 terms in 17th district and he ran as a progressive. I would say it one of the most progressive districts in Illinois. So she’s lying. She knows people aren’t going to check her on that, because she was not expecting me to challenge her.
The democrats collectively got schooled, they got their ass kicked by a political novice who is a bully and a thug; they got thugged; they got punked. If this was a high school football game we’d say they got pancaked. That’s exactly what happened.
ZG: Government is regularly viewed as criminally inefficient. Conservatives automatically say everything government is bad; and Liberals argue its better than the private sector and it’s the duty of the government to do these things, but even they seem to acquiesce to the seemingly natural fact that government is inefficient. How would you address inefficiency in government services?
SE: That sounds like another job for people from insurance companies they can transfer over and provide those particular expertise. But in regards to job training. I have a certificate from the University of Rhode Island in nonviolent conflict resolution, so I understand how to resolve that type of gridlock. I’ve been in those offices, too. And the way they treat you, they look down on you; or, they know there’s absolutely nothing you can do cause you need them. You’re probably at your worst moments when you’re in those lines. You’re probably at your worst when your in government offices. They know that and they know you have to be nice to them but they don’t have to be nice to you, and there’s this particular power dynamic over you, and the whole experience is terrible. I would propose legislation to train government workers who work with the public to be trained on conflict resolution, and to be able to understand that they are providing a ministry. That they are providing resources for poor peoples, and it is benevolent. I want people to work in those office who are benevolent and nice and love, and feel like their job is fulfilling not just a check. That’s going to be some of the type of things I’m looking for. And if you have a terrible experience in government lines, blast them on social media! I think that’s how you get anything done in 2020, blast them on social media.
ZG: You have stated you support the Green New Deal. Do you support a complete ban on all new oil drilling and fracking?
SE: Yes on fracking. Case by case for oil. Until we are completely solar, I think that’s the point of the Green New Deal is to transfer our dependency on fossil fuels to renewable energy.
ZG: How do we continue to manufacture all the things that require oil, especially plastic?
SE: There are biodegradable products like hemp. Hemp can replace plastics, clothes; its very strong, its easy to grow, so investing in hemp would be better for the environment and oceans replacing plastics.
ZG: Currently, all products sold do not have to have clear instructions on recycling, would you support a regulation requiring some type of instruction for all products?
SE: I don’t know if regulation as far as mandatory is the best thing cause that leads to going to jail for littering and not recycling. That’s a slippery slope the regulation side. We should do litter campaigns and recycling campaigns. I think all forms of government need to do better jobs at recycling. We need to teach in our schools how to do this.
ZG: Would you support regulation requiring all goods sold be recyclable?
SE: In order to do that, regulations on small business tend to effect them worse. So, again, we could use hemp so you can throw it away.
ZG: Would you support regulations or tax incentives to encourage businesses to take more responsibility in recycling?
SE: I would want the government to work in concert with the free market to change the types of ways we shop and buy things and operate collectively, so it’s not just the federal government mandating stuff, but us seeing what your experience is in your store, so we notice you have these materials, here are other products that are cheaper and more green. I think that’s a win-win for everyone.
ZG: Do you support court-packing to readjust the politics of the Federal judiciary?
SE: I haven’t thought about it. I think it should be done in a non-partisan way. The Democrats let that happen. And the Democrats often work in tandem with Republicans. Obama and congress didn’t put up a fight.
ZG: Are there any current federal judges you would support impeaching and removing? (Both Clarence Thomas and Brett Kavanaugh committed perjury at their nomination hearings.)
SE: I would support an inquiry to investigate it. As long as its done in a fair and just way… see I’m a referee by trade, so as long these are the rules and the rules are just and don’t provide an unequal advantage. If you violated the law then you have to suffer some sort of consequences.
ZG: Do you support a constitutional amendment creating term limits for Federal judges?
SE: Yes.
ZG: Do you support granting statehood to Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Washington D.C., Guam, Mariana Islands, and America Somoa?
SE: Absolutely. If North and South Dakota can be there own states than all these can be their own states. Either give them statehood or free them from being American territories. How we treat them is like 3rd class citizens.
ZG: Do you support a constitutional Amendment creating term limits for members of congress?
SE: Yes.
ZG: Housing is increasingly unaffordable, and most people on waiting lists for public housing wait years. What policies would you propose to address this issue?
SE: The Green New Deal has a housing component, and economic reconstruction. In America, your wealth is connected to your home. I support bills creates 100% housing. Completely reconstructing how we do housing.
ZG: Do you support a maximum wage?
SE: No. A maximum wage is unamerican. I want people to make as much money as they can. That competitiveness–I love to see billionaires compete, to see whose going to be on top. That’s what makes America. The problem I have is that they don’t pay their employees $100,000. So anyone who has a billion dollars but has minimum wage workers, you aren’t a true billionaire your a thief!
ZG: What type of taxes do you expect to support?
SE: I support fair tax.
ZG: You recently posted on your FB of your strong support for people benefiting from government programs. Predictably many conservative voices quickly brought up objections that it creates a ‘culture or behavior of dependency.’ How do you counter this argument?
SE: People should have a basic standard of life because we are so wealthy. Many of the people that are poor have been exploited or their ancestors have been exploited. Realistically, there aren’t many opportunities to make living wage. Even teachers don’t make a living wage. That type of ideology is rooted in racism, white supremacists propaganda that they use to break up poor white people and black people coalitions during reconstruction. That’s rooted in Jim Crowism.
ZG: How do you counter this argument in the black community where there is still a strong conservative tradition?
My answer is similar to Dr. King. We talking about two types of people: people that have platinum gold boots, their shoes automatically tie themselves, silver spoon in their month, those people platinum diamond plated platform shoe people are telling people who don’t have boots at all to pull themselves – that’s immoral. To say that everyone is on the same plateau – that’s not the case. America was intentional when engineering this type of disadvantage. So to say everyone pulls themselves up by their bootstraps when the system is intentionally taking your boots. America created this problem. Many poor families have to give up a family member to live in public housing, and that’s bullshit. This has negatively effected Black Lives. So the government says “we’ll take care of you, you don’t need that man. We’ll take care of you; if you have a baby you’re gonna get healthcare, a house, food, you don’t need a man.” So why wouldn’t a poor person take advantage of that, so they’re not homeless and starving.
ZG: We have been in a state of perpetual warfare since both of us were in 6th grade. We are currently in military conflicts with 7 different nations. Do you support these wars? Would you end any of the wars?
SE: We’re in more than 7 countries. I don’t support these. As a proponent of conflict resolution, I think that in 2020 there is enough resources for everyone to have all their needs met. Many of this is rooted in racism and militarism, again, militarism is like 50% of every tax dollar goes to the military. So its a multi-trillion dollar industry. I feel like if we take the money out of it, we’ll end all those wars tomorrow.
ZG: How do we deal with the geo-political consequences of this?
SE: So its about working out a non-violent peaceful resolution so there is a win-win situation for all parties involved.
ZG: We spend more money of discretionary spending on military than anything else and have by far the largest and most powerful military on the planet. Are there cuts you would suggest to reduce this? We currently have hundreds of military bases all over the world, if you could pick certain bases to close, which ones?
SE: Absolutely. America is in about 20 different countries. Why? If we’re there to help and empower them then great, lets do that. But it should sunset. We should be able to be self-sufficient and sustainable in cutting back on our military. A lot of the military budget is waste. There’s a trillion dollars at the pentagon that no one knows where it is. Just to be efficient I’ve talked to military people all the time they have an unlimited amount of money. They literally have an endless supply of it. Our budget is way more than China, and they have a billion people. The question is the types of things the America does to the whole world. Our military should be to protect America and build alliances. We don’t have to do imperialism anymore. We don’t have to be police of the world; lets support them without the military.
ZG: There are some very serious issues happening regarding immigration, especially with regard to ICE & CPB. Some have even called for abolishing these institutions. What would you do?
SE: Were spending multi-billions of dollars on something that is non-violent… I’m not even gonna say its a crime. I don’t understand why America is treating Mexico like that. The entire Southwest used to be Mexico. We annexed that. They have ancestors there before America was even a thought. So for us to treat our friends to the South as 3rd class people or are not just as valuable as us is a problem. Again, ICE is racist, this is a racists system. I disagree with the way we deport and destroy families.
ZG: So you do support abolishing ICE?
SE: Yes, abolish ICE. The idea of deporting people whose ancestors were native to this land is absurd. Since America is one of the wealthiest countries in the world, I would support legislation for a more humane immigration system.
ZG: What about situations where there is a known, credible threat from a terrorist. Would we still not deport them?
SE: That’s a whole different story. That has nothing to do with ICE. The overwhelming majority of immigrants being deported have no criminal record and are not terrorists. If we wanna deport terrorists lets deport KKK members and white supremacists. We wanna deport terrorists, then those are our number 1 terrorists in the country.
ZG: Do you think serious crimes have been committed regarding immigration and the border by these institutions and this administration?
SE: Absolutely. Its putting people in cages. Not creating a humane system or even a plan. They had no plans for the children or for the families. They just rounded them up, sent them to the South and had them waiting. The kids are being raped, dying, sick; they have no plan; that’s a piss-poor plan. And its causing detriment to thousands of lives. So, I would prosecute all of them. Someone needs to go to jail for creating this type of violence on people.
ZG: There are many black conservatives that are extremely skeptical of loose immigration laws? What do you think are the best methods for convincing them otherwise?
SE: I don’t think they have a serious understanding of whats going on. So, as an educator, I would be open to starting an educational program that explains what is going on, these are the conditions in the country these migrants are in, so they are running escaping their country as refugees to save their lives. I think most Americans have a heart, and I feel like if we will be more open to accepting immigrants because they’re refugees.
ZG: The country is obviously in a perpetual state of gridlock, political crisis, and general decline. Do you think parts of the constitution need to be changed in order to guarantee more political stability? If so, what constitutional amendments you propose?
SE: I think every 40 years we need to have a constitutional convention. We live in a completely different America than our forefathers. I don’t think they should be able to dictate to us 200 years ago later how we should operate; we’re just as smart as they are and people living should be able to create our own constitution.
I would also abolish the electoral college. I would abolish slave labor in prisons, remove that from the 13th amendment. How we elect candidates. Abolish the use of private for-profit prisons.
ZG: What are ways would you address issues of voter suppression?
SE: Automatic voter registration at 18. I was kicked off the ballot. That’s a form of voter suppression. The people that signed my petition pay taxes on houses they live in and were not allowed to elect me. All men are created equal, all opportunities for representation must be equal.
ZG: As a prison abolitionist, you think that prison should only be for violent criminals who pose a threat to our society. Mass incarceration is obviously an enormous problem. You offered a number of innovative ideas to punish criminals including: Lower their credit, fine them, beat they ass periodically, public shame them, make them work a minimal wage job, in the projects, take their houses, and cars and wealth away for 10 years. How would you go about rehabilitating criminals?
SE: So, I being very facetious when I said that. But, I think everyone who is in prison for a non-violent offense, 90% of them would take alternatives on that rehabilitation list. Hell, I’ll takes some licks if its five years for a nonviolent offense or lashes for something I actually did. Rehabilitation: non-violent training. This is one of the most effective ways to create a harmonizing society. Again also, creating more opportunities to live in the middles class, that would remove a lot of petty crimes and non-violent crimes, cause people are really stealing to survive. But, you have millionaires on wall street who steal your car, your house, and everything you own. Make them pay a fine, force them to live in special housing, lower their credit, take their stuff away. But I don’t want to spend the tax money to keep those type of nonviolent crimes in prison. Prison should be for people who pose a violent threat to society. That’s what its there for; that’s why the fences, barbed wires are created. With prisons we create supercriminals, so someone who committed tax fraud are in their with murderers. So the tax cheat gets mentored by a professional criminal, and doesn’t get caught again.
ZG: How do you go about articulating prison abolition to the average person who can’t conceive of such a thing?
SE: I didn’t say that I was a prison abolitionist, I said I’m a modern day abolitionist. So, I don’t think non-violent people should go to prison. If you’re a violent threat, then I understand prison. But there are a lot of people in prison who aren’t violent. They just made a mistake. Those are the type of people I would emancipate.
ZG: Is there anything else you’d like to add?
The 2 party system is not working for poor people. Hell, I’ve been
poor under a Clinton, Bush, Obama, and Trump administration. Even
after getting a Masters degree, I’m still poor. Neither party has
resolved issues concerning me.
If you vote for me, I’m the best candidate if you’re making under $200,000 a year. My opponent, Cheri Bustos has no plans to deal with poverty. And she’s our representative because of nepotism (she babysat the right man’s kids), she feels entitled to represent us. Shes not the best candidate. My resume is ten times better than her; I’m more qualified then her, I have more connections than her; she just has more money than me. Nepotism shouldn’t be right in a democracy. Dick Durbin is not a lord, he’s a senator; he represents us. We don’t represent him. She is one of the most powerful position because she is beholden to him. The DCCC ban on backing progressive causes is not right. She is supporting candidates who support overturning Roe v. Wade: that’s not right. She is refusing to support Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Who even is she supporting for president? She is a moral coward. She is doing everything that is politically and financially expedient to her. Shes going to sell us out every chance she gets. To her its just money and whatever the powerful people tell her to do. I’m not that type of person. I can’t be sold I cant be bought. You can hold me accountable. I’m connected with NAACP, Women voters, ACLU, many churches in Peoria. I was the president of the ACLU but I stepped down to run for office. I work with Jehan Gordon, I was one of her first volunteers. I’ve worked for PPS, I’m a Moorehouse candidate, I’m an ICC graduate so I have that experience along with private school, I’m more diverse, I’m a professional dancer, I own my own business, I’m a referee by trade, I do conflict resolution so my thinking is completely different than Bustos. I’m a better candidate than her and my republican opponent. For poor people, I have better solutions than Bustos.
The Illinois primary is Tuesday, March 17th, 2020. Those in the 17th district wishing to vote for Spanky Edwards must select the write-in option and correctly spell his name: S-P-A-N-K-Y E-D-W-A-R-D-S. You can reach out to Edward’s campaign on Facebook.