Bloomington Socialists Took It to the Street Labor Day


All power to the working class.”
“Black Lives Matter.”
“Ain’t no power like the power of the people cause the power of the people don’t stop.”

These are just some of the chanting heard at the Bloomington Labor Day parade from the DSA Blono. A diverse group of over 30 activists revealed their presence at the end of summer march. What a beautiful day it was to be among the people. Whether black, white, brown, Asian, or otherwise, this intrepid group of both young and old made sure the working class of Bloomington knew who was willing to support them. (see more)

It Snows in August: The Fragility of the Bloomington Right


Do you feel it? There’s been a cold wind blowing as of late at Bloomington City Council meetings. It sounds like a reactionary death cry of the prejudices and ignorance’s of a bygone generation eroding under the winds of time and irrelevancy. It carries the snow of Bloomington’s Right into the warm weather (it’s August, after all) causing a cascading river of tears, triggered geriatrics, and snowflakes to flow into the sewers on Olive Street.

Of course, the nexus of this cold front is the ice queen herself, Diane Benjamin. With her own glacial presence on the web, she coagulates the various pitiful and remedial deathly hallows snowing on City Council. Coursing through Diane Benjamin’s ultra-nativist veins is blood colder than a reptile’s, so cold as to be near absolute zero (forming a super-liquid with no viscosity boggling the minds of physicists and decent, empathetic human beings alike.) Her writing is like a varicose vein: unwanted, unsightly, and scattered about haphazardly across the terrain of white fragility. (view more)

Update on Bloomington Police Chief


BLOOMINGTON, IL – Today the City of Bloomington announced the promotion of Assistant Chief Dan Donath to Chief of the Bloomington Police Department. Today also marks the deadline set by Black Lives Matter Bloomington – Normal for the return of a community generated questionnaire that was presented to the two finalists for the position of Chief, last week.

Bloomington insider Don Donath was selected by Bloomington City Manager Tim Gleason to be the city’s top cop. No word yet on questionnaire provided by local activist group Black Lives Matter BloNo, which both candidates promised to provide.

For background on this story: (see more)

Potential Bloomington Police Chiefs Meet Residents


Two contenders remain for the job of Bloomington’s top cop. On one side, Bloomington Assistant police chief Dan Donath, 50, stood with a 25 year history in the Bloomington Police Department. On the other side, Parkland college Police Chief William Colbrook, 55, whose history includes 26 years with the Illinois State Police. The two candidates met with about 50 Bloomington residents at the Performing Arts Center on Tuesday, August 20th. However, the only person who needed to be impressed, was Bloomington City Manager Tim Gleason who says he will make the final decision next week. (see more)


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