OylerGate: A Complete Chronicle

  1. #OylerGate Published: 08/08/2019
  2. How Much Process is Due Councilman Zach Oyler? Published: 08/10/2019
  3. #OylerGate Update 1 Published: 8/21/2019
  4. OylerGate: Zach Remains Defiant Against Allegations Published: 09/11/2019
  5. #OylerGate Update II Published: 10/19/2019
  6. Believe Survivors Published: 12/30/2019
  7. #OylerGate Final Update Published: 10/23/2021

#OylerGate Final Update


On October 16th, 2020, Councilmember Zach Oyler took an Alford plea to disorderly conduct as part of an agreement to have other charges stemming from a July 2019 domestic incident dropped.

An Alford plea is where a defendant maintains their innocence but accepts the punishment of a guilty plea.

Disorderly conduct is a Class C misdemeanor. He was sentenced to nine months of court supervision on Friday, and ordered to pay a $400 fine and court fees.

Charges of domestic battery and interfering in a report of domestic violence were dropped as part of the plea arrangement. Having a misdemeanor on his record doesn’t require Oyler to give up his council seat.

Oyler posted the following statement on his Facebook page:

Oyler & his wife have reconciled.

This is the end of the #Oylergate story.

Believe Survivors

Believe survivors, we’re told. But, what about when the survivor is adamant she is not a survivor? What happens when the survivor recants? This is the situation in the domestic abuse case of At-Large Peoria City Councilmember Zach Oyler. His survivor, wife Heather Oyler, has now come forward with a full recantation of events. She says she wants charges dropped against her husband and the July 30th incident was a complete misunderstanding that grew out of proportions. She now insists she is not a survivor of domestic abuse but is a survivor of mental health issues, which she says were at the heart of the July 30th incident when her husband was arrested at their home. (view more)

#OylerGate Update II

Rob Hanauer, defense attorney for embattled City Council member Zach Oyler, is trying to get polygraph evidence admitted to court. Councilman Oyler is facing misdemeanor charges of domestic battery and interfering with a report of domestic abuse in Peoria County. The alleged servant-leader took the polygraph under the direction of veteran polygraph examiner Steve Woody. Oyler was asked whether he physically struck or hit his wife in the July 30th incident. Oyler said no. Oyler will be in court November 15th on the motion to include the polygraph test into judicial evidence. (view more)

OylerGate: Zach Remains Defiant Against Allegations

With one word, embattled Peoria At-Large City Council member Zach Oyler dashed the hopes of anyone thinking he may actually take personal responsibility for his actions. For over a month, Councilman Oyler has remained silent on allegations of domestic abuse. It almost seemed like Oyler’s political career might outlive the controversy of #OylerGate. (view more)

#OylerGate Update

Peoria City Councilman Zach Oyler and his alleged survivor were no-shows in Order of Protection (OP) court Monday, August 19th. According to court records, the OP was dropped and replaced by a mutual no-contact agreement between the two parties to be further litigated in divorce court. Councilman Oyler was granted temporary permission to return to his domicile. (view more)

How Much Process is Due Councilman Zach Oyler?

Let us take a brief look at this local case–of a powerful man (almost always man) under attack from accusations of abuse–to look at due process of law; and, question exactly how much process is due Councilperson Zachary Oyler? Due process is essentially that, how much process is a person due before being punished. (view more)


Allegations of Abuse, Sexual Assault, Prostitution and Philandering swarm City Council member Zach Oyler

On Tuesday, July 30th, 2019, Oyler was arrested at his home on charges of aggravated domestic battery, interfering with a report of domestic violence and unlawful restraint. He was later released from jail on a $100 bond. The following day an Order of Protection (OP) from his wife was filed in Court. The allegations in it paint a disturbing picture of the Councilman. (view more)


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