Videos | Thinking in Motion

The Immiseration of the Working Class | Caliban & the Witch

Everything you’ve ever been taught about Witches is wrong! Period! Philosopher Sylvia Federici writes a new history of witches in…

2 years ago

The Greatest Land-Grab in Human History | Caliban & the Witch

Everything you’ve ever been taught about Witches is wrong! Period! Philosopher Sylvia Federici writes a new history of witches in…

2 years ago

The Death of Feudalism & The Birth of Capitalism | Caliban & the Witch Everything you’ve ever been taught about Witches is wrong! Period! Philosopher Sylvia Federici writes a new history of witches…

2 years ago

On Civil & Natural Law | Legendary Hobbes Quote English philosopher Thomas Hobbes talks about how the Laws of Nature are the unwritten form of what becomes Civil…

2 years ago

The Sovereign Power is Never Unjust | Legendary Hobbes Quote English philosopher Thomas Hobbes was famously known for his authoritarian philosophy that praised the rights of Absolute Monarchs. Hobbes…

2 years ago

War of Every Man Against Every Man | Legendary Hobbes Quote For English philosopher Thomas Hobbes, prior to societies, humanity existed in a state of nature. In such a state,…

2 years ago

A Complete History of Nihilism Nihilism comes from the Latin word nihil, meaning, nothing. Nihilism is typically defined as a belief in nothing. Depending…

2 years ago

Can Men Get Pregnant? Reacting to an Offensive Tranny Can men get pregnant? Yes, trans* men can get pregnant, and still be trans. But, some people, even in…

2 years ago

Was It God’s Fault? | Darrell Brooks & the Problem of Evil The Waukesha Parade attacker, Darrell Brooks, blamed the Christian God for his actions on November 21st, 2021, when he…

2 years ago

1,000 Subscriptions on Youtube! I hit 1,000 subs on my Youtube channel! That means it is time for a 1k subs Q&A. Leave…

2 years ago

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