
The Uses & Abuses of #BelieveSurvivors Recent allegations against entertainer Russell Brand have reignited existing debates on the validity of alleged survivors’ allegations of abuse.…

1 year ago

Blood & Gold: The Transition to Capitalism | Caliban & the Witch Everything you’ve ever been taught about Witches is wrong! Period! Philosopher Sylvia Federici writes a new history of witches…

2 years ago

Does Ryan Chapman Understand Postmodernism? Postmodern philosophy is often misunderstood, partially because it is very nuanced, partially because they appear deliberately obscure, but often…

2 years ago

Foucault on the Gulag Question What did Foucault have to say about the Gulag Question? In the late 1970s, as the revelations of the…

3 years ago

You NEED these books in your life! Happy Holidays strange thinkers! Don’t forget! ALL HOLIDAYS MATTER!!! So Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas, Merry Festivus, Happy Kwanzaa, Get…

3 years ago

Power vs. Knowledge Video What can Game of Thrones teach us about how societies function? Which is more important: Knowledge or Power? Let’s…

5 years ago

Power vs. Knowledge

One of my favorite scenes from Game of Thrones is a conversation between Lord Petyr of House Baelish a.k.a. Littlefinger…

5 years ago

Due Process & its Limits: A R. Kelly Story

Phresh out tha brain-oven: peak think-talking! "The video isn’t about completely delegitimizing due process. Due process is a worthy thing…

5 years ago

R. Kelly & the Politics of Truth Why exactly does R Kelly continue to sell concert tickets? What "truth" is he living by? In this video,…

5 years ago

R. Kelly and the Politics of Truth

This essay was originally published in The Mantle on October 22, 2019. As R. Kelly sits in a federal…

5 years ago

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